The story follows two main characters, James More (James McAvoy) and Danielle “Danny” Flinders (Alicia Vikander). James is an English engineer and former British Secret Service agent who is captured by jihadist fighters in Somalia. Meanwhile, Danny, a bio-mathematician, is preparing for a deep-sea diving mission in the Greenland Sea. Despite being separated by thousands of miles, they are deeply in love and connected by their shared experiences and the dangerous missions they are about to undertake.
The film explores themes of love, identity, and the human connection to the natural world. It intertwines the stories of James and Danny, as they navigate their respective challenges and maintain their bond through letters and memories.
Submergence premiered at the San Sebastián International Film Festival in 2017 and received mixed reviews from critics. The film is notable for its stunning visuals, particularly the underwater scenes, and the performances of its lead actors, James McAvoy and Alicia Vikander.