In a thrilling turn of events, Paramount Pictures is set to revive the iconic Scary Movie franchise, bringing back the beloved parody series to the big screen. The upcoming sixth installment, masterminded by Neal H. Moritz, promises a fresh take on horror film parodies, with potential targets including M3GAN, IT, Five Nights at Freddy's, and Smile.
This exciting development follows the success of the previous films, which collectively grossed a staggering $896 million globally. The original film remains the most successful financially, having brought in $278 million globally. This is followed by Scary Movie 3, which grossed $220 million, Scary Movie 4 with $178 million, Scary Movie 2 with $141 million, and Scary Movie 5 with $72 million.
With production slated to begin this fall, fans can anticipate a 2025 release that is bound to reignite the laughter and scares synonymous with the Scary Movie series.
Are you excited for the return of Scary Movie, and which horror films do you hope to see parodied in the upcoming installment?