In a world where dreams sparkle brighter than reality, Thelma the Unicorn prances onto the stage with a tale as enchanting as her glittering mane. This animated musical, a symphony of laughter and heart, unveils the extraordinary journey of a small-time pony with big dreams.
Thelma, voiced by the sensational Brittany Howard, embarks on a magical transformation that propels her into the limelight of stardom. From the creators of Napoleon Dynamite, this whimsical narrative dances between the realms of fantasy and reality, inviting audiences to a world where music and magic intertwine.
As Thelma's melodic voice echoes through the enchanted lands, she grapples with the age-old question: does true happiness lie in the spotlight or in embracing one's authentic self? Follow Thelma's hoofprints as she navigates the glitz and glamour of fame, discovering that the most magical journey is the one that leads to self-discovery.
The cast of “Thelma the Unicorn” also includes: Will Forte, Jemaine Clement, Edi Patterson, Maliaka Mitchell, Ally Dixon, Fred Armisen, Zach Galifianakis, and Jon Heder. The release date for “Thelma the Unicorn” is May 17, 2024.
Are you ready to embark on a glittery journey with Thelma the Unicorn and uncover the secrets of fame and self-discovery in a world where dreams come alive?