The highly anticipated film adaptation of the popular video game series, “Borderlands,” is off to a troubling start. Initially directed by Eli Roth, the movie underwent significant changes when Tim Miller reshot approximately 60% of the film. Despite a hefty production budget of $120 million, early projections estimate a disappointing opening weekend of around $15 million.
Insiders suggest that Lionsgate might have been better off following Warner Bros.' example with “Batgirl” by shelving the film for a tax writeoff. A prominent producer echoed this sentiment, although they emphasized that no filmmaker or actor deserves such a fate. Adding fuel to the fire, original screenwriter Craig Mazin reportedly withdrew his writing credit, indicating that even the creatives behind “Borderlands” are distancing themselves from the final product.
While it's common to approach early social media reactions with caution, the consensus around “Borderlands” is unusually grim. Descriptions like “disaster,” “unwatchable,” “an abomination,” and “baffling” dominate the discourse. This universally negative reception hints at a significant misstep in translating the beloved game to the big screen.
Starring Cate Blanchett, Kevin Hart, and Jamie Lee Curtis, “Borderlands” is set to hit theaters this weekend. However, if early reactions are any indication, audiences might want to temper their expectations. Only time will tell if this film can overcome its rocky start, but for now, it looks like “Borderlands” may be one of the year's biggest box office flops.