Greg Mottola has long been celebrated as a brilliant comedy filmmaker, with a filmography brimming with beloved gems like “Superbad,” “Adventureland,” and “The Daytrippers.” His 2022 film “Confess, Fletch” was no exception, showcasing Mottola's knack for blending humor with engaging storytelling. The movie starred Jon Hamm in one of his finest roles, portraying a charming man hilariously caught up in a murder plot while striving to prove his innocence. Critics praised the film, noting its delightful screwball noir style, reminiscent of Shane Black's acerbic comedy noirs.
Despite the film's positive reception, Mottola recently took to X/Twitter to share the disappointing news that the planned sequel has been canceled by Miramax. This revelation has left many fans and industry insiders dismayed. According to Mottola, the new head of Miramax, who controls the rights to the Fletch books, decided to shelve the sequel project. Mottola expressed his frustration, noting that the so-called “Fletch curse” had struck again.
“The gatekeepers don't see it, but I tried. Feature comedy is having a rough time,” Mottola lamented. He also mentioned his willingness to adapt to the changing landscape, acknowledging that the sequel might have ended up as a streaming movie. However, he insisted on doing it his way. Unfortunately, he was told that the first movie “lost money,” despite what he felt was a lack of effort to make it profitable. Jon Hamm was reportedly very enthusiastic about the new script, adding another layer of disappointment to the project's cancellation.
Shortly after the release of “Confess, Fletch,” which hit theaters on September 16, 2022, Mottola was commissioned to write a sequel based on the 1978 novel “Fletch's Fortune.” However, it seems this sequel was not meant to be. This is indeed a shame for fans who appreciated the clever, humorous noir of the original.
In the meantime, if you haven't yet seen “Confess, Fletch,” it's well worth a watch. The film's engaging plot and witty dialogue make it a standout, much like Mottola's other works. Here's hoping that the “Fletch” series will one day find its way back to the big screen, bringing more of the unique charm that only Greg Mottola can deliver.