CLOUD ATLAS Concept Art Shows the Vision of 2144 Seoul
The upcoming movie adaptation of David Mitchell's 2004 extensive, time hopping novel Cloud Atlas has been much in the news over last year, which was altogether created in an unusual manner due to its high profile cast and directors.
The various segments of the film are being shot simultaneously, with two different units – one directed by Tom Tykwer, the other by the Lana & Andy Wachowski – with cast members including Tom Hanks, Hugo Weaving, Jim Sturgess, Halle Berry, Hugh Grant, Susan Sarandon, Ben Whishaw and Jim Broadben, each playing multiple roles in multiple time periods.
With production now up and running the first on set shots have begun popping up, but none have included any real looks at the sets or character designs, which makes this new bit of concept art rather intriguing.
A $100 million budgeted film tells the story of six individuals living in six different times, ranging from 1850 to a post-apocalyptic future, but each of the six is supposedly a reincarnation of the same soul.
Pair of images has turned up online along with a first still of Korean star Bae Doona playing the clone character named Sonmi-451.
You can see that here, but her face is shown in close-up looking up looking pretty much like it always does.
The other is clearly labeled as concept art of Seoul in the year 2144, a futuristic version of the city in Korea. Not that there is ever much doubt on one thing that is made plentifully clear which period the Wachowskis are directing.
Warner Bros will be releasing in the US hopefully in October of 2012.
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