In a quirky desert tale, two friends embark on a camping trip with conflicting agendas. Dexter, a dreamy failed filmmaker, seeks inspiration from a legendary vortex, while Rex, a rebellious conspiracy theorist, delves into a UFO crash. Their paths collide when they encounter a camper claiming to possess a mysterious piece of shiny foil from the crash. As tensions rise, the duo must navigate their differences to forge a future amidst desert mysteries. Can friendship withstand the desert's enigmatic allure?
FOIL is directed by Zach Green and cast of the intriguing film includes:
- Zach Green plays the character Dexter.
- Devin O'Rourke portrays Rex.
- Chris Doubek takes on the role of Tom The Neighbor.
- Brian McGuire embodies Rambo.
- Ashley Rae Spillers graces the screen as Gina The Bartender.
- Jasmine Wattar brings life to Bonnie Jonkers.
- Ari Stidham portrays Felix The Manager.
- Deborah Green appears as Dexter's Mom.
Are you ready to dive into the zany world of Foil and witness the unexpected twists of friendship and UFO encounters in the desert?