The story revolves around a detective who discovers footage at a murder scene, shot by two teenagers that provides clues to the identity of a killer. The teens have since gone missing, and as the detective retraces their journey, he soon uncovers a trail of deceit and murder that leads all the way back to him.
LaPaglia, Hemsworth Set For THE RECKONING
A third, older brother in the Hemsworth family besides Chris and Liam, Luke Hemsworth and younger brother of Anthony LaPaglia, Jonathan, are set to star in the crime thriller The Reckoning, written and to be directed by John V. Soto.
The sibling-themed pair is set to play detectives Robbie Green and Jason Pearson searching for two teenagers who unwittingly shoot footage of a murder and are hunted by the criminals involved.
The Reckoning, which was written and will be directed by Soto is described as ‘Memento meets Kalifornia’. If this indie crime thriller can match even that, it will be something of a success.
The film is set to start shooting April 29th, 2013 in Australia.
LaPaglia recently starred in 2011s tense drama ‘The Slap’ produced for ABC TV and in Channel Nine’s 2012s crime mystery ‘Underbelly: Badness,’ while Hemsworth last starred in the 6-part miniseries ‘Bikie Wars: Brothers in Arms.’
Soto and producer Kitcher’s past films include the 2011 award-winning follow up Needle, so check out the trailer below.
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