In a groundbreaking collaboration, the acclaimed actors Mahershala Ali and Tom Hardy are set to headline the upcoming crime thriller “77 Blackout.” Directed by the talented Cary Joji Fukunaga, known for his work on projects like “Man with a Gun: No Time to Die” and “True Detective,” this film promises to deliver a gripping narrative set against the backdrop of a city plunged into darkness and chaos.
Produced by Charles Roven, Madison Weireter, William Green, and Aaron Ginsburg, the movie follows a group of renegade police officers who hatch a daring plan to rob three notorious criminal organizations – the Hong Kong Triads, the Italian Mafia, and the Harlem Mob – all in a single night. As fate would have it, a city-wide blackout occurs during their heist, forcing the team to navigate a perilous landscape where their values and loyalties are put to the ultimate test.
Mahershala Ali, a two-time Oscar winner for his outstanding performances in “Moonlight” and “Green Book,” will portray the character of Ray Butler, while the versatile Tom Hardy, known for his roles in “Inception,” “The Revenant,” and the “Venom” franchise, will take on the role of Eddie Boyle. Notably, Hardy has previously collaborated with producer Charles Roven in the iconic film “The Dark Knight Rises.
“This high-stakes thriller, penned by Frank John Hughes with revisions by Fukunaga, is poised to captivate audiences with its intense storyline and stellar cast. As the film gears up for its international debut at Cannes, with U.S. rights handled by WME, fans can anticipate a cinematic experience that delves deep into the moral dilemmas faced by its characters in the midst of chaos.
Are you excited to see Mahershala Ali and Tom Hardy team up in “77 Blackout,” a gripping crime thriller set against the backdrop of a city-wide blackout?