In the eccentric comedy “Mother Couch,” Ewan McGregor and Ellen Burstyn team up for an unforgettable adventure. McGregor portrays a struggling writer who moves back in with his eccentric mother, played by Burstyn, only to discover her obsession with an ancient couch. As they embark on a series of bizarre misadventures, their bond is tested in unexpected ways.
Directed by indie filmmaker Marianne Jenkins and written by screenwriter Simon Davis, “Mother Couch” promises a unique blend of humor and heart. With a talented cast including McGregor and Burstyn, along with a quirky premise, this film is sure to be a standout in the comedy genre.
“Mother Couch” is set to release in theaters nationwide on July 12th. Don't miss out on this hilarious journey of family, love, and the strangest couch you'll ever encounter.
Question for readers: Are you intrigued by the quirky premise of “Mother Couch,” and do you think Ewan McGregor and Ellen Burstyn will make a dynamic comedic duo?