Miniwood is a mega fun animated short that brings classic movie scenes to life in a unique and entertaining way. This short film, created by Yeti Pictures, is an experimental homage to Hollywood movies and childhood memories.
The film features miniature characters that are direct references to action figures or toys, recreating iconic scenes from classics like Jurassic Park, The Exorcist, King Kong, The Addams Family, Kill Bill: Vol. 1, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and RoboCop. Each scene is recreated in the studio's signature “miniworld style,” which adds a big dose of humor and plot twist to the film.
Miniwood is the brainchild of Tony Zagoraios, founder of Yeti Pictures, a motion design studio based in Athens, Greece. The film was created by the studio's team in their spare time as a way to promote their work and honor their favorite movies from growing up.
The film's design and creation work were done in-house by the team in Athens, with music by Stratos Diamantis and sound by Rabbeats Music. Miniwood is a testament to the studio's passion for animation and their ability to create unique and entertaining content that appeals to audiences of all ages.