If you watched the final scene of
National Treasure: Book of Secrets and thought that's the beginning of ‘National Treasure 3, you probably were right.
According to Jim Hill Media, Disney registered nationaltreasure3dvd.com and nationaltreasure4dvd.com at the end of January, thus signaling their intention to continue the adventure through at least two more sequels.
Jim Hill Media goes on to discuss the fourth
Pirates of the Caribbean. He hasn't any concrete rumour but he does revisit the final moments of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, and talks about a potential Pirates 4.
The first Pirates of the Caribbean was great, not too sure about the other two, tho the special effects were top notch of course, will the fourth be able to maintain the quality of the first?
PC4 should show why kid sparrow was hung with the other pirates,also Keith Richards should cameo to show what happened to jacks mother and her shrunken head
and how/why jack got branded.
What the heck? That wasn't kid Jack.