The sequel to the Academy Award®-winning animated smash hit, “Happy Feet 2″ returns audiences to the magnificent landscape of Antarctica, reuniting us with the world's most famous tap-dancing penguin, Mumble (Elijah Wood), the love of his life, Gloria (Alecia Moore {Pink}) and their old friends Ramon and Lovelace (Robin Williams). Mumble and Gloria now have a son of their own, Erik (EG Daily), who is struggling to find his own particular talents in the Emperor Penguin world. But new dangers are threatening the penguin nation, and it's going to take everyone working–and dancing–together to save them.Happy Feet Two uses the voice talent of Elijah Wood, Robin Williams, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Hank Azaria, Alecia Moore (Pink) and Sofia Vergara. Download Happy Feet Two trailer HD-Quality 1080p [1920 px] − 121 Мb (QuickTime) HD-Quality 720p [1280 px] − 87 Мb (QuickTime) HD-Quality 480p [852 px] − 34 Мb (QuickTime)
New HAPPY FEET TWO Trailer and Poster
Warner Bros. have released the second trailer and new poster for George Miller‘s upcoming animated sequel Happy Feet Two, which coming to 3D, 2D and IMAX 3D theaters on November 18.
Here's the official plot synopsis for Happy Feet Two:
What do you think of the trailer?
Happy Feet Two Poster
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