- Worst Picture: Know Who Killed Me
- Worst Actor: Eddie Murphy (as Norbit), Norbit
- Worst Actress (TIE) : Lindsay Lohan (as Aubrey) and Lindsay Lohan (as Dakota), I KNOW WHO KILLED ME
- Worst Supporting Actress: Eddie Murphy (as Rasputia), NORBIT
- Worst Supporting Actor: Eddie Murphy (as Mr. Wong), NORBIT
- Worst Screen Couple: Lindsay Lohan and Lindsay Lohan (as The Yang to Her Own Yin) , I Know Who Killed Me
- Worst Remake Or Rip-off: I Know Who Killed Me – Rip-Off of HOSTEL, SAW and THE PATTY DUKE SHOW
- Worst Prequel or Sequel: Daddy Day Camp
- Worst Director: Chris Siverston, I Know Who Killed Me
- Worst Screenplay: I Know Who Killed Me , Written by Jeffrey Hammond
- Worst Excuse for a Horror Movie: I Know Who Killed Me
Razzie Awards 2008 : Celebrating The Worst Of The Worst!
Hot on the shoe leather of all those heaving bosoms, over priced dresses and self congratulatory back patting that made up this years Oscars comes a celebration at the other end of the quality scale, and one which we’d all surely have suggested more than a few contenders.
The Razzies, now in it’s 28th year celebrates the biggest bilge to have spewed forth onto our cinema screens over the course of the last year and by crikey, there was plenty of it!
Tempted as I am to take the first trans-Atlantic flight and insist on ‘Resident Evil: Extinction’ being re factored into the line up, it’s poor old Lindsay Lohan who’s stormed the trophy stock this year with her gloriously bad train wreck of a horror, ‘I Know Who Killed Me’. The lass takes three Razzie awards personally while the film itself takes a further five.
Phew! I’ve not seen this myself but I think the safe advice is to avoid like a nest of Aliens!
Here’s the full list and yes, no doubt like you, I can think of another 30 or so that should be on there. Let us know what you think should have been on there via the forum.
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