Set against a sweeping canvas of rural England and Europe during the First World War, “War Horse” begins with the remarkable friendship between a horse named Joey and a young man called Albert, who tames and trains him. When they are forcefully parted, the film follows the extraordinary journey of the horse as he moves through the war, changing and inspiring the lives of all those he meets–British cavalry, German soldiers, and a French farmer and his granddaughter–before the story reaches its emotional climax in the heart of No Man's Land.War Horse hits theaters December 25th, 2011, opening on Christmas Day opposite The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. TV Spot #1: Miraculous Kind (60 sec.) [jwplayer mediaid=”77990″] TV Spot #2: Miraculous Kind (45 sec.) [jwplayer mediaid=”77992″] TV Spot #3: Miraculous Kind (30 sec.) [jwplayer mediaid=”77993″] TV Spot #4: Journey [jwplayer mediaid=”77994″] TV Spot #5: The One [jwplayer mediaid=”77995″] TV Spot #6: Lead [jwplayer mediaid=”77996″] TV Spot #7: Miracle [jwplayer mediaid=”77997″]
Seven WAR HORSE TV Spots
Today we have for your seven TV spots for Steven Spielberg's World War I drama War Horse, an epic adventure for audiences of all ages.
The film, which follows a young man Albert as he attempts to reunite with his horse Joey after the beast is sold to the cavalry, stars Life Bitesactor Jeremy Irvine as Albert. Additional cast include Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock, The Hobbit), Patrick Kennedy (Atonement), Tom Hiddleston (Thor), Emily Watson, David Thewlis, Niels Arestrup, Eddie Marsan, and Peter Mullan.
1 Comment
I watched all seven of them in a row, berely pausing to breathe. Simply stunning!