EW has revealed the first photo of the full Enterprise (U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701) from director J.J. Abrams‘ “Star Trek.” In the picture, it can also be seen that a small starfleet shuttlecraft is approaching the Enterprise.
Here is a clip from the interview:
Abrams wanted to take the original TV series Enterprise and the movie franchise Enterprise and fuse them together into a new yet familiar Enterprise. His ambition was a ship that felt very realistic, that could “stand up” to today's f/x standards-and beyond. “If you're going to do Star Trek there are many things you cannot change. The Enterprise is a visual touchstone for so many people. So if you're going to do the Enterprise, it better look like the Enterprise, because otherwise, what are you doing?”
Star Trek stars John Cho, Ben Cross, Bruce Greenwood, Simon Pegg, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Winona Ryder, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Anton Yelchin, Eric Bana and Leonard Nimoy.
The new trailer will be in theaters this Friday with “Quantum of Solace.”
“Star Trek” is set to land in theaters everywhere on May 8th, 2009 next summer! [source: EW]
That is blatantly terrible…a Fugly looking ship. Apparant that no one has ever seen the original Enterprise, and the designer created it by word-of-mouth descritpion.
the nacelles are wrong and the secondary hull to much like next generations era i hope the movie is better than this ship looks
The ship looks fantastic. There are elements there that gives you the one of many ways that ship did evolve to the signature 1701. Many people do not know that the original 1701 from the First Pilot Episode, the 2nd Pilot and the 2nd and third season had changes made to it’s exterior. Some obvious others not so obvious. This current redition will work for the new rebooted film francise..Think of Batman Begins and you get the picture. STAR TREK Begins.
What do you people expect…to have the original prop pulled out of some dusty closet and for them to use that?! Get over yourselves! I think it is a great homage to the original concept…but get real…it’;s supposed to look futuristic! The show was based in the 22nd century, not the 70’s!
[Quote]What do you people expect…to have the original prop pulled out of some dusty closet and for them to use that?! Get over yourselves! I think it is a great homage to the original concept…but get real…it’;s supposed to look futuristic! The show was based in the 22nd century, not the 70’s![Quote]
Correction! Star Trek was filmed in the 60’s, but it’s setting (time frame) was the 22nd century. Sure the ideas and designs were based on the imagination of the 60’s; we all understand that.
Let’s put it like this. How many Star Wars fans (such as JJ Abrams) lose their mind of Star Wars was completely rebooted? How many Darth Vader’s could you redesign? How many X-Wing fighters would stand the test of time. And let’s not forget about the constantly breaking, oldest ship in the fleet…the Millennium Falcon! How many Star Wars fans would lose their minds if a new movie producer who didn’t appreciate Star Wars, decided to do a reboot?
JJ Abrams would have done far better if he would have designed his own version of Star Trek. Then it most certainly would have had new flavors for younger taste buds. But stealing from a 40 year old franchise to establish your own is, to say the least, quite lazy! It takes more than CGI to make a Sci-Fi film. Sure throw in a few nude scenes, sprinkle some bloody sets, and make a bridge look like an Apple computer set, and presto! You’ve got yourself a fine move with fantastic graphics….but it’s just not Trek.
Star Wars and Star Trek are two different movie styles and settings. Trek is about exploration, imagination, with a little Romance, horror, and adventure on the way. But trying to turn Trek into an all out space battle is pointless, and DOES NOT represent Star Trek. Yes I liked the movie Wrath of Kahn when I was a young teen, but that didn’t change how I felt about the Original series.
Another aspect about Trek is that the ship is nearly as important as the character. In fact, the ship (I could say) is a character. When the Enterprise was destroyed in Star Trek III, the Search for Spock, a huge part of me died with Trek. But when Lenard Nemoy filmed Star Trek IV, not only was I pleased to see the original crew of the Enterprise be restored to their glory, but much more the return of my ship. At the same time, it just wasn’t the same.
I’m all about new designs, but stealing from a successful past in order to cash in, while spitting on those who made Star Trek the longest living legacy is insulting! And I personally feel that JJ Abrams was hoping for the results he got. I think He purposely wanted to tick off Trek Fans, in order to show the non-Trekies that this new design of Star Trek was filmed solely for them (as though they are so dependable, or reliable that they’ll return for more). Nonsense!
How many awesome movies have been produced, yet watched over and over by \fans of movies\? How many Batman fans watch the same episodes over and over, and never grow tired of it? Star Wars fans, and Star Trek fans can do what the so called \fans of movies\ cannot do. Why? Because those types of fans are only in it for the feel of the moment; the new pleasure, or pressure point; the new high and the party that led to better pleasures. These are the ones who look for new entertainment, and move on to the next house toys. Thus, the only loyalty they express is to their senses, and not their imagination.
Some watch Soap Opera’s, sit-coms, and other stages television programs because they are able to escape the realities of our world, and embrace the imaginations of a legacy they hold dearly. Characters change, settings change, but the story line is nearly the same, yet they remain true to it. Not so with the \fans of movies\. Imagination isn’t their desire….thrill rides and pleasures are.
Joseph (not \anonymous\)
I hate it. I hope this is supposed to be a precursor to one form the original series. Once again, they have to mess with things. Leave the original NCC-1701 as it is supposed to be!
Designed by Chip Foose…its been Overhalled :D
No, it doesn't look like the original Enterprise – and THANK GOD IT DOESN'T! The best thing about the reboot is that the series can be designed to look like the 23rd century, and not the early to mid-1950s – Yes, I know the original series was shot from '66-'69, but the sets looked outdated even for that time. This version actually looks like a starship, and not like a couple of Dixie plates and leftover plastic tubing. Abrams made a wise choice in modernizing the look of the ship and the bridge, unlike the original series this movie actually had a budget to work with, and something in the back of my mind tells me that Gene would have approved.
I'm more concerned with the story – can this reboot capture the essence of Trek and captivate the audience, and from all I'm hearing so far this movie delivers.
The old enterprise design from Matt Jefferies was fine for the 1960's-1990's. Today, it looks old and antiquated. Its really time to move on folks. Gene's vision is obviously going to be different when J.J. Abrams did it. Go see the film. The ship looks freaking fantastic. Its a great redesign fusing both the original, movie, and a fresh original refresh. Gene Roddenberry was not a traditionalist. He probably would have picked a very different design if he was alive today. He was a man who understood that change happens. The old bucket from the 60's is dead and this is the new enterprise. Nothing wrong with it at all. I guess some of these folks forgot what Star Trek is all about.
Let me get this straight. The enterprise (notice I refuse to capitalize it) looks nothing like the real one, but the shuttlecraft appears to look pretty much the same ? What sense does that make ? I saw pictures of this elsewere and was really hoping that it was some sort of training ship or something, but dang ? This is just horrible. It looks more like the ship from Galaxy Quest than the Enterprise. I can't believe that Paramount and the REAL Star Trek fans allowed this crap to happen.
First of all, we’re dealing with an Alternate future. Kirks father was supposed to live. That event changed everything down the line, even starship designs. If history hadn’t been altered, the original design may of been built. You have to look at it from that perspective, The people that were supposed to design the Enterprise the way we know it may of been reassigned or killed in the attack that killed Kirk’s father.