Star Wars Han Solo Should Have Died Harrison Ford Insists!
A ‘Star Wars‘ universe without everyone’s favourite self-centred blast first ask questions later smuggler. Could you have imagined it? Not being the sort of ‘Star War’s’ ‘dress-up-as-a-Storm trooper obsessive myself, I’m not going to get my imitation lightsaber in a twist about it but it’s an intriguing line of alternate history to ponder, that’s for sure.Looking back at those youthful years from under his faithful and well used fedora, Harrison Ford took time out from amid the building ‘Indy’ mania to suggest what a good idea it would have been to finish off Han Solo.
He tried to persuade Lucas that the death of the loveable rogue would be the way to go because “it’d make a better story”. “You don’t need him,” he said. “He’s got no mama, got no papa – out there all by himself. He’s a piece you can move around or get rid of.'” Ford said.
Fortunately, big bearded George had other ideas though surprise surprise, they were less to do with the continuation of the character than how Solo would fit into Lucas’s own fledgling empire. You see, no Solo meant no Solo toys. As we all know, Lucas raked in the coin on the back of ‘Star War’s’ merchandising to such an extent he could have purchased Western Europe!
Well Lucas certainly now has a merchandising empire of immense stature on account of the legions of obsessives daft enough to re-purchase the ‘Star War’s’ trilogy for the 32nd time on account of some essential spruced up element. Interesting to think it might have been sans Han Solo!
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