Set in 1940s France the movie follows beautiful Lucile Angellier who awaits news from her husband, a prisoner of war whilst leading a stifled existence with her domineering mother-in-law. When Parisian refugees pour into their small town, soon followed by a regiment of German soldiers who take up residence in the villagers' homes, Lucile's life is turned upside down. In the Angellier home, Lucile initially tries to ignore Bruno, the handsome and refined German officer who has been posted to live with them. But soon, a powerful love draws them together and traps them in the tragedy of war.Beside the above mentioned trio, the rest of Suite Francaise cast includes Ruth Wilson, Margot Robbie, Alexandra Maria Lara, Tom Schilling, Eileen Atkins, and Lambert Wilson. The film will be released by The Weinstein Company in the U.S. When exactly – stay tuned to find that out! [image source: IndieWire] [All photos removed by TF1 INTERNATIONAL Request]
SUITE FRANCAISE: First Look At Michelle Williams, Matthias Schoenaerts & Kristin Scott Thomas
In case you're not so familiar with the title, Suite Francaise is an upcoming (romantic) war-drama which comes from director Saul Dibb and stars Michelle Williams and Matthias Schoenaerts in the leading roles. Today, we're here to share the first images from the whole thing and take a better look at the love affair between a young French woman and the German officer assigned to watch her in Nazi-occupied France. Sounds weird, but looks great, head inside to see what we're talking about…
Based on the 2004 eponymous novel by Irène Némirovsky, the movie centers on Williams' character, a woman named Lucille Angellier who waits for news of her husband, along with her domineering mother-in-law, played by Kristin Scott Thomas.
But, when a regiment of German soldiers take up residence in the village, Lucile's life is turned upside down. Yeah, you already guess – she falls in love!
Or, if you prefer the official synopsis:
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