We could easily call this report –
there’s some secret connection between summer and all those blockbusters.
But the good thing is that – there’s actually no secret, and all Hollywood directors are quite familiar with that little fact. So, quite logically – when you want to earn some extra cash, and live a classy life, the only thing you need is to get yourself a sequel, or prequel, or even better – an adaptation of some young adult novel, and there you go – you have a successful summer movie! Keep smiling – you also have a looooot of money in your pocket!
So, as you already know,
The Dark Knight Rises opens this weekend, and let’s face it –
Christopher Nolan‘s movie will likely break some summer blockbuster records. Hollywood counts on all of us, so there’s no chance we’re going to disappoint them!
Thanks to the folks from
Sortable.com, we have this little insight which definitely shows us that Hollywood has a recipe for a successful summer blockbuster. Or, as they asked:
why reinvent the wheel, when 72% of the summer blockbusters were either adaptations of other works or sequels?
Sortable.com analyzed the top 50 biggest summer blockbusters, to try to discover the ingredients that go into making a successful Hollywood blockbuster.
And here’s one great look at the whole thing, hope you’ll enjoy and let us know what you think about it!