Brad Bird, the visionary director behind beloved films like The Iron Giant, Ratatouille, and The Incredibles, is finally bringing his passion project, Ray Gunn, to life. After nearly three decades of development and numerous obstacles, the sci-fi noir is set to premiere on Netflix in 2026, much to the delight of fans and animation enthusiasts.
Originally conceived in collaboration with writer Matthew Robbins, Ray Gunn is set in a futuristic world inhabited by both humans and aliens, where the last human private detective, Raymund Gunn, navigates a gritty, high-tech landscape. The film's unique blend of noir elements with science fiction has intrigued fans ever since it was first announced, and the anticipation has only grown with time.
The journey to this point hasn't been easy. Ray Gunn was initially planned as a hand-drawn animated film under Skydance Animation, led by Bird's longtime collaborator John Lasseter. However, the project faced significant hurdles, including Apple backing out of a deal with Skydance due to creative differences and concerns over the film's budget, which reportedly exceeds $150 million. This led to Netflix taking over Skydance Animation in 2023, giving the project a new lease on life.
Despite these challenges, Bird is now “in the middle” of production, according to reliable reports, with Ray Gunn being adapted into CG animation. This ambitious project is expected to push the boundaries of the medium, much like Bird's previous works.
With Ray Gunn set for a 2026 release, it will hit Netflix screens before The Incredibles 3, which is also in development. For fans of Bird's work and those who love innovative animation, Ray Gunn is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated films of the decade. Keep an eye out—this is one ride you won't want to miss!