Peacock has just released the first teaser trailer for its upcoming horror-comedy series, “Hysteria!,” set to debut this October. The series takes us back to the late 1980s, a time filled with the frenzy of the “Satanic Panic.” Written and executive produced by Matthew Scott Kane and David Goodman, “Hysteria” promises a unique blend of crime thriller and dark comedy, perfectly capturing the essence of the 80s.
The story follows a struggling high school heavy metal band of outcasts who seize the opportunity presented by the town's sudden obsession with the occult. They reinvent themselves as a Satanic metal band, only to find themselves at the center of a witch hunt after a series of strange events unfold. Starring Julie Bowen and Anna Camp, alongside Emjay Anthony, Chiara Aurelia, Kezii Curtis, and Nikki Hahn, the series also features recurring guest stars such as Bruce Campbell, Garret Dillahunt, and Milly Shapiro.
The teaser trailer gives us a glimpse of the series' tone, with Julie Bowen dancing and a demon making an unexpected appearance in a microwave. While the teaser is brief, it sets the stage for a wild ride filled with humor, horror, and 80s nostalgia.
“Hysteria!” is created and written by Matthew Scott Kane, with additional writing by Jamie Flanagan and David Goodman. The series consists of 8 episodes directed by a talented team including Wendey Stanzler, Jordan Vogt-Roberts, Alonso Alvarez, Shana Stein, John Francis Daley, and Jonathan Goldstein. Executive producers include Chris Bender, David A. Goodman, Matthew Scott Kane, Jake Weiner, Jonathan Goldstein, Jordan Vogt-Roberts, and John Francis Daley.
Peacock will release “Hysteria!” on October 18th, 2024, making it available on Peacock, USA Network, and Syfy. With its intriguing premise and stellar cast, “Hysteria!” is shaping up to be a must-watch for fans of horror, comedy, and 80s nostalgia. Mark your calendars and get ready to dive into the Satanic Panic with “Hysteria!” this fall.