Tom Hanks-produced assassination picture,
Parkland has begun shooting in Austin, Texas.
Peter Landesman's indie drama about the assassination of John F. Kennedy completed its ensemble cast with the addition of
James Badge Dale (Robert Oswald),
Jackie Earle Haley (Father Huber),
Colin Hanks (Dr. Perry),
David Harbour (FBI agent Gordon Shanklin) and
Ron Livingston (FBI agent James Hosty).
They join the
previously-announced cast of
Paul Giamatti (Abraham Zapruder),
Billy Bob Thornton (Secret Service agent Forrest Sorrels),
Jacki Weaver (Marguerite Oswald),
Zac Efron (Dr. Charles J. ‘Jim' Carrico),
Jeremy Strong (Lee Harvey Oswald) and
Marcia Gay Harden (Nurse Nelson).
The movie is based on, ‘Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy,' by a former L.A. County Deputy
Vincent Bugliosi, best known for prosecuting Charles Manson. Journalist Landesman penned the adapted screenplay and makes his directorial debut.
Described as a dramatic thriller, the film recounts the chaotic events that occurred at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, following JFK's assassination on Nov. 22, 1963 and including the
documentation of the event by Abraham Zapruder.
In order to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the 35th president's death, producers are eyeing the U.S. theatrical release later this year.
