The teenage superhero returns in the follow-up to 2010's Kick-Ass, where this green-clad crime-fighter joins forces with the vigilante group Justice Forever, lead by Colonel Stars and Stripes (Jim Carrey). They must do battle with Christopher Mintz-Plasse‘s The Mother F***er, who transformed into a super-villain after retiring his Red Mist persona.Kick-Ass 2 comes to theaters on August 16th, 2013 and also stars Chloe Grace Moretz, Nicolas Cage, Lyndsy Fonseca, John Leguizamo and Donald Faison. You can also check out the previous character posters, a still from the film as well as cool international trailer.
KICK-ASS 2 Kick-Ass Character Poster
The latest character poster for Kick-Ass 2 gives us a new look at Aaron Taylor-Johnson as the titular character, Kick-Ass. Check out the latest one-sheet for director Jeff Wadlow‘s upcoming sequel below:
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