What will it take for 20th Century Fox to let
Marc Webb return to direct
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 for Sony?
Webb reportedly owes Fox another film following his hit rom-com
500 Days of Summer. They gave him a pass on his obligation to make another film for them so he could direct this summer's Spidey reboot.
Now Webb's made a hit film and it's been three years since he's made a film for Fox.
The Los Angeles Times reports that “Fox is considering giving its blessing to Webb on Spidey but in exchange would extract a two-picture commitment from Webb. It would be a steep price to pay for the filmmaker — most in-demand directors don't like locking themselves up that long — but it would free him to return to one of Hollywood's biggest franchises.”
And if Webb doesn't go for the deal then Sony will need to find a new Spidey director ASAP, to make the sequel's announced summer 2014 release. The script is being written by
James Vanderbilt and the
Robert Orci and
Alex Kurtzman duo.