Fifteen years ago, Laika Studios enchanted audiences with the hauntingly beautiful stop-motion animation ‘Coraline', directed by the legendary Henry Selick. As we mark this milestone, the studio is giving fans a fresh treat—a live-action short titled Unwinding the Web, created as part of a special anniversary celebration. This short, directed and produced by Brittany Thurman, won a fan contest that Laika held to honor the film's enduring legacy.
The short film features Riley Madison Fuller as the real-life Coraline, brilliantly capturing the eerie essence of the original. It follows Coraline into a mysterious theater where she encounters two strange hands clutching a glowing pearl—a nod to the dark and twisted fantasy world that the original film introduced us to.
Laika's Coraline is based on Neil Gaiman's novel of the same name, first published in 2002. The story revolves around a young girl who, feeling neglected by her parents, discovers a hidden door in her new home that leads to an alternate world. This seemingly perfect universe, where everyone has buttons for eyes and her every wish is fulfilled, soon reveals a sinister side. Coraline's journey to escape this world and return to reality remains a chilling yet mesmerizing tale of courage and self-discovery.
Produced by Claire Jennings, Bill Mechanic, Mary Sandell, and Henry Selick, Coraline was a groundbreaking achievement in stop-motion animation. Its intricate visuals and darkly whimsical narrative have solidified its place as a modern classic. Now, to celebrate its 15th anniversary, Focus Features and Laika Entertainment are re-releasing Coraline in 3D, hitting theaters nationwide on August 15th, 2024.
As fans flock to relive Coraline's adventures on the big screen, Unwinding the Web offers a fresh perspective on the beloved tale. This brief but captivating short film highlights the creativity and passion that Laika continues to inspire, setting a high bar for what live-action adaptations can achieve. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer, this 15th-anniversary celebration is the perfect time to rediscover the magic of Coraline.