the story follows the main character Kick-Ass who is trying to form a team of real life superheroes, as well as preparing for the arrival of The Red Mist, who has been gathering a team of ‘Supervillains' to take both Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl down.As for Wadlow, he recently confirmed to helming the airplane thriller Non-Stop with Liam Neeson in the lead. Stay tuned.
Jeff Wadlow to Direct The Kick-Ass Sequel
‘With no power, comes no responsibility,' and with Kick-Ass comes Kick-Ass 2: Balls to the Wall, but not in the way that's expected.
Matthew Vaughn isn't returning to direct and Jeff Wadlow will take the reins of this next entry.
Wadlow, who most recently directed fighting-centered Never Back Down in 2008, also wrote the script.
Vaughn's 2010 original is based on the popular comic book series by Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. and was distributed by Lionsgate.
The three main, masked principals Aaron Johnston, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Chloe Moretz are all negotiating deals to return.
Vaughn, who would produce and who co-wrote the script as well, has taken Kick-Ass 2 to Universal.
The new project aims to begin filming this August.
The film will likely follow Mark Millar's Kick-Ass 2 comic and according to Wikipedia
Source: Dark Horizons
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