Harrison Ford Set To Return As Han Solo In STAR WARS: EPISODE VII?
We already learned that Harrison Ford is open to the idea of reprising his role as Han Solo, who he…
STAR WARS Writer Lawrence Kasdan Is Trying To Start Fresh
We’ve already learned that the screenwriter on both Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi writer Lawrence Kasdan has…
Zack Snyder Develops A Stand-Alone STAR WARS Movie
Vulture reported earlier today that as per its supply chain sources Zack Snyder will direct his own, separate Star Wars…
Colin Trevorrow Wouldn’t Make STAR WARS: EPISODE VII “Suck”
There has been a LOT of speculation on who will direct Star Wars: Episode VII ever since word broke that…
STAR WARS: Jon Favreau, J.J. Abrams and Other Directors Give Their Reaction To The Big News; Plus How to Make a Lightsaber Infographic
What a week! News about Disney buying Lucas Entertainment are all around, echoing, ushering us all in what I think…
Saul Bass-Style STAR WARS Posters
For those who don't know, "Saul Bass (May 8, 1920 – April 25, 1996) was a graphic designer and filmmaker,…