JANE GOT A GUN: Ewan McGregor Replaces Bradley Cooper
That got your attention, didn't it? The troubled Gavin O’Connor‘s Western Jane Got a Gun is back on track again…
3D STAR WARS Prequels Postponed
Now this is more or less expected, but still a bit - who am I kidding, A LOT - disappointing…
Alfonso Cuaron’s GRAVITY Finally Scores Release Date
Director Alfonso Cuaron’s highly anticipated upcoming masterpiece, sci-fi drama Gravity - starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney – has been…
STAR WARS EPISODE II And III To Be Released In 3D Back-To-Back In 2013!!
Yep, your eyesight isn't betraying you - the headline reads correctly: Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones…
Rick McCallum Describing his STAR WARS Series as ‘Deadwood in Space’
If you're as big a Star Wars fan as me, you probably know by now that for quite some time…