“Hit and Run” is the story of Charlie Bronson (Dax Shepard), a nice guy with a questionable past who risks everything when he busts out of the witness protection program to deliver his fiancé (Kristen Bell) to Los Angeles to seize a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Their road trip grows awkwardly complicated, when they are chased by the feds (led by Tom Arnold) … and increasingly dangerous, when Charlie's former pals, a band of gangsters (led by Bradley Cooper), enter the fray.”Check out the latest movie trailers and movie clips at Filmofilia.com's Movie Trailer Zone.
Two New HIT AND RUN Posters
Today we have two new posters for the upcoming action comedy Hit and Run, directed by Dax Shepard and David Palmer (based on a script by Dax Shepard).
A former getaway driver (Shepard) breaks out of the witness protection program, leading the cops — and his criminal pals — on a wild cross-country chase.
Kristen Bell, Bradley Cooper, Kristin Chenoweth (The West Wing, Glee), Michael Rosenbaum (Smallville), Beau Bridges (The Descendants), Tom Arnold (True Lies), and David Koechner (Anchorman) round out the cast.
Hit and Run comes to theaters August 22nd, 2012.
Here's the synopsis for the film:
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