The movie tells the story of Marina and Neil who meet in France and move to Oklahoma to start a life together, where problems soon arise. While Marina makes the acquaintance of a priest and fellow exile, who is struggling with his vocation, Neil renews a relationship with a childhood sweetheart, Jane.As we previously reported, To The Wonder has an awesome cast on board which includes Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams, Olga Kurylenko and Javier Bardem, and here's what they all had to say about the movie and their characters: [jwplayer mediaid=”138491″] To The Wonder is set to open on April 12th, 2013.
WATCH: First TV Spot & Featurette From TO THE WONDER, Starring Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams & Olga Kurylenko!
Terrence Malick‘s romantic drama To The Wonder is set to hit theaters this April, but I'm sure you already know that. You probably saw the first trailer, some pretty cool images and posters from the whole thing as well, but as you see from our title – today we're here to share even more! One great featurette and first TV spot for the movie have arrived, and we definitely recommend you to check them out in the rest of this report…
Written and directed by Terrence Malick, the movie follows an American man who reconnects with a woman from his hometown after his marriage to a European woman falls apart.
In other words – the film is a moving, gorgeously shot exploration of love in its many forms.
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