The plot of “Bad Behaviour” centers around Lucy, a former child actress played by Alice Englert, who embarks on a quest for enlightenment at a retreat led by the enigmatic spiritual leader Elon. Alongside her spiritual journey, Lucy must navigate her tumultuous relationship with her daughter, Dylan, a stunt performer. The film delves into the complexities of their mother-daughter dynamic, blending humor with moments of poignancy.
The star-studded cast includes Jennifer Connelly, known for her compelling performances, the versatile Ben Wishaw, and a host of other talented actors including Ana Scotney, Dasha Nekrasova, Marlon Williams, Beulah Koale, and Karan Gill. Each actor brings a unique flavor to the film, adding depth and dimension to their respective characters.
“Bad Behaviour” is a dark comedy that has been described as “dull” and “weird” by some critics, with the film being “as aimless as its characters.” However, the trailer promises a visually striking and emotionally charged exploration of the relationship between a mother and daughter.
The film is written and directed by Australian actress Alice Englert, making her feature directorial debut. It is produced by Desray Armstrong and Molly Hallam.
“Bad Behaviour” is slated for release on June 14th, 2024, and will be available on VOD in the US.
What do you think the film's exploration of the mother-daughter relationship will reveal about the complexities of human connections? Share your thoughts in the comments below.