The New People center in San Francisco's Japantown announced on Wednesday that it will host a two-day art exhibition titled ‘
Evangelion Pop-Up Museum' as part of this year's J-Pop Summit Festival, honouring the
Neon Genesis Evangelion, one of the deepest origin-questions-themed anime. New People will host the exhibit on the venue's 3rd floor SUPERFROG gallery on August 25th-26th. Nippon Television is co-producing the exhibit with New People.
General admission to the exhibit will be $5, and will come with a re-entry stamp. The exhibit will display a collection of original concept and production art, character drawings, and other artifacts from the Evangelion: 1.0 You Are [Not] Alone and Evangelion: 2.0 You Can [Not] Advance films. It will also display rare Evangelion books, toys, collectables, and other objects.
The J-Pop Summit Festival will also host a
vocaloid dance contest. The festival hosted the same contest last year with support from the members of the vocaloid music dance unit DANCEROID.
So people, if you're as big fans of this anime as I am, start preparing for August and share your opinions on the exibition afterwards.