How do you feel about 3D movies? Are you one of those who likes all kind of special effects, or are you thinking that 3D world just ruins our imagination?
Well, seems like some (or at least one of the) directors still believe in good old movies, with the story and acting as primary determinations of a good film. That's why
The Exorcist will never be in 3D – and we have to take
William Friedkin‘s word on that!
Looks like the most of the directors like this trend of converting the old movies into 3D spectacles, especially after
Avatar's big success, so now we have a new list of movies that will have this kind of Warner's treatment (George Lucas'
Star Wars and Steven Spielberg's
Despite this trend, Friedkin says that he doesn't like 3D, and calls it – gimmick. For him, the best way to kill the movie art is to let 3D technique distract you from what is really important.
“I don't believe there is any film that I have seen and loved that would have been improved by a scintilla in 3D” – says Friedkin, and reminds us that for him “the art of cinema is the same as the art of painting”.
He also points out that one of the reasons for such a 3D-boom all over the world could be the fact that the one who makes them have no belief in the original story, and asks – “what about actors?”
If you stop for a second, you could ask the same thing Friedkin asked himself – yeah, really, what happened with acting nominations for Avatar? We guess he's right, it seems like you don't need great actors to do a 3D picture because, as this director said:
“you can get anybody in the empty room, put some markers on them, add Vatican or Louvre inside, and you get the story on the screen”.
Is that the miracle of 3D, or just one step closer to movie magic – death? Make your decision…
One thing is for sure.
The Exorcist Blu-ray is coming out this fall, just in time for Halloween. And now we know – this director will be the one that will always stand on the side of good, old ones, but he admits that he is in minority. Maybe you're not the only one Friedkin, maybe you're not!