“I hear they're doing another rewrite,” the actress revealed of the in-flux script. “I'm with you guys – I'm so excited to read it.”In other “Twilight” news, the author behind the series of books, Stephenie Meyer, was the biggest selling writer in the US in 2008 selling a massive 15 million books over the year, according to data from Nielsen BookScan US for the year ended 28th December 2008. In total, Meyer had nine entries in the US top 50, with five different titles, racking up unit sales close to 15 million from the top 50 bestseller chart alone. Her most recent novel, “Breaking Dawn,” was the bestselling book of the year, selling 3,310,000 copies, followed closely by her debut novel, “Twilight,” with 3,175,000 copies. Update: 14. Jan 2009 Rumours that “High School Musical” star Vanessa Hudgens would be joining the ‘Twilight' sequel, “New Moon”, are false. Now EW says that sources inside film studio Summit Entertainment and close to Hudgens said that the makers of the film were not looking at her for a role in the ‘Twilight' follow-up. It says the only actors confirmed for the film are Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. “New Moon” is due to begin shooting shortly.
Vanessa Hudgens in “New Moon”?
“Twilight” actress Ashley Greene revealed to MTV that “High School Musical 3: Senior Year” star Vanessa Hudgens has auditioned for the role of Leah Clearwater in the “Twilight” sequel “New Moon.”
Greene also added another tidbit on the status of “New Moon” as well.
Oh, for the love of God, no! Way to rape a series, Weitz.
I have just read that Vanessa Hugdens from High School Musical is thinking or has already auditioned for the New Moon as Leah Clearwater. I just don’t see how can a pink-ribbon girl who sings like a Cinderella and swirls around dancing happily, be in the role of werewolf Leah. I know that it’s called acting where actor/actresses adapt to the given role, but you still have to have some features that are connecting with the character. I think justice has to be done to the character of Leah. Disney in Twilight, that sound wrong. We are talking here about Vanessa acting alongside Kristen Stewart, that is wrong. Keep Disney out of Twilight
Hey Taylor Lautner was on shark boy and lava girl AKA (Disney channel) and he did great with Jacob
Vanessa is a soft spoken HSM star. I will be more excited if she will be part of a magical romatic film rather than in vampire or horror film. I can’t just really imagine her sounding like terrifying or tough girl. Aside from that, although Vanessa is a fame star for kids…the twilight fanatic age 18 and above were not going to feel Vanessa as a good werewolf actress.
Kristen Stewart with the other vampires and Vanessa together doesn’t look like a good chemistry
This is ridiculous. They cannot put a Disney channel character in Twillight. They’re just trying to expand the fan base of Twillight. They’ll loose fan base because no one wants to a stupid disney channel character in a film too good for the movies. If people aren’t fans of Twilight let them not be. They’re not worth it. As for the part of Leah, Vannessa coming from HSM can not jump to being a mean wolf-girl. It just doesn’t work. She’s not talented enough for that. I mean there are so many other people out there who can reprise the role of Leah. NOT FROM DISNEY CHANNEL. Now if she is going out with Taylor Lautner (Yeah lets go there lets go there) does Zac Efron know about this? (That I can’t control) Because if he does they got one jacked-up relationship. And now if Zac and Vanessa aren’t going out and thats all for publictity, that’s another thing. Now if I’m gonna go to the movies with my friends and pay $19.95 per ticket, I think they should put what the people wanna see in it. Heck we are the ones who pay for it. Point blank being, the people(us) need to be listened to. So, MR.CHRIS WEITS(or whatever)needs to look at the polls and see what the PEOPLE want. And BFF ,S,says that Catherine Hardwicke would have never even considered Vanessa for the role, at all. And if i VANESSA ANN WHATEVER(or any other disney channel star) is in New Moon, I will not go see it. And I lots of my friends will not go see eithe
simmmmer down
Vanessa can NOT be in a twilight movie! that’ll ruin it! you cant have miss. hsm in twilight! no! she will RUIN new moon!!!! Vanessa Hudgens is a disney-douche! she will steal the fame and ruin the movie!
I agree with the ‘no diney in twilight’ thing, i mean, who wouldn’t? Vanessa just wouldn’t fit as Leah. Switching from a sing-song toe-tapping actress to a vampire hating werewolf wouldn’t be easy and would ruin the whole movie.
no way she will ruin everything with her stupid self,ugh , she is so not new moon material i think she should stick to disney!!!!!!
i think that she would be a good leah… i mean she looks like her and she cold fit the role is she really wanted to. shes dark tanned and looks like she could be part of an old tribe..she could make this work…idk tho
im glad vanessa isnt gonna be in new moon i cant stand her
she is in new moon
im sure none of you could do any better….. i think she will be great we will have to wait and see ……
do not put VH in new moon. she’ll totally destroy the fantasy we get out of it.
Not even dont even go there stick to singing dumb childish songs and leave this position open for ppl with real talent. Now, I am going to go far far away and hope to god she NEVER shows her face on this "Twilight Saga" films. That would be HOrrific
If SHE is cast as Leah, that will RUIN the whole Twilight saga movies!!! I mean, how could SHE possibly play a mean girl like Leah in a PG-13 movie when she just finnished a movie that's made for the Disney Channel, is rated G, has a fanbase of kids under 10, AND is a MUSICAL for cryin' out loud! She would be better off getting her own show with a cliche plot on the Disney Channel or something, where she's REALLY appreciated. If by some chance she IS casted, I might not see the movie, which I'm really looking forward to. [polldaddy 1706821 http://answers.polldaddy.com/poll/1706821/ polldaddy]
IF YOU THINK SHE SHOULDNT BE IN THE MOVIE THEN GO TO http://www.adressit.com/newmoonfans
oh my carlisle , she cannot be in twilight !!! she is too much of a princess … she will totally ruin the whole saga :{
no never, she can’t play Alice!! NEVER!!!
she shouldn’t play her she will reck it