“Columbus Circle” is a stylish and riveting thriller about a reclusive young heiress, Abigail, (Blair) who lives a guarded and sheltered life in a luxurious New York penthouse. But when she is befriended by Lillian and Charlie (Smart and Lee), the glamorous new owners of the apartment next door, Abigail's safe and secure existence is suddenly threatened.Columbus Circle was released in 2010 . Lightning Entertainment will be premiering the film at the American Film Market (AFM) in order to sell the film to international buyers. Lightning Entertainment kindly asked us to remove the trailer. We will post the official trailer when it becomes avaiable.
COLUMBUS CIRCLE Trailer and Photo
Lightning Entertainment has released a new trailer and photo for George Gallo directed drama Columbus Circle, starring Selma Blair, Amy Smart, Giovanni Ribisi, Jason Lee and Kevin Pollak.
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