Beneath the streets of London, two teenage boys discover an incredible, hidden underground world where a secret civilization has been desperately waiting for a hero to save them all. The deeper they go, the closer they get to unearthing an evil that could destroy the world above and put an end to the lives they once lived.Authors Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams have completed five sequels with the sixth and final Tunnels, to be published in the U.S. in the fall. Mark Canton, Neil Canton and Danny Davids are producing with Relativity CEO Ryan Kavanaugh. Relativity president Tucker Tooley is exec producing with Kelly Dennis and Atmosphere's David Hopwood co-producing. Stay tuned for more updates on this one!
Mikael Hafstrom To Direct TUNNELS For Relativity Media!
Get ready for Tunnels, an adaptation of fantasy-adventure book series of the same name written by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams! We've just learned that The Tomb helmer Mikael Hafstrom is on board to direct the project for Relativity Media, and yes, we have a potential franchise here! It was about time, hope you agree?
So, at this moment we know that Tunnels is the film adaptation of the first installment of the novel series from Scholastic/Chicken House publishing, which has sold over one million copies and has been published in nearly forty countries worldwide.
Mikael Hafstrom will direct the movie from a script written by Andrew Lobel (Joel Bergvall and Simon Sandquist penned a previous draft) described as a thrilling, epic fantasy adventure for all ages.
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