In the original film, the story revolved around a young boy who survived a concentration camp. In my film, the focus will be on the special relationship between a woman and a young boy as well.So it's not going to be a straight remake of the old film. Furthermore, Hazanavicius's bringing together a number of his collaborators on The Artist — producer Thomas Langmann will again return, while Bérénice Bejo, the charming co-star of the Weinstein Company's awards idol in addition to being Hazanavicius‘ wife, who starred in both the original ‘OSS 17' and the current silent movie homage, will take the lead role, of a woman working for an NGO in the region. According to Hazanavicius his new drama will be in color and soaked in dialogue – ‘totally different from The Artist.' [youtube][/youtube]
The Search – Theatrical Trailer